

The Virtual Library of Biochemistry,
Molecular Biology and Cell Biology


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Angiogenesis | Apoptosis | Carbohydrates | Cell Adhesion & ECM | Cell Cycle | Cell Senescence | Chemical Biology | Cytoskeleton & Motility | Development | Enzymes | Genes | Lipids & Membranes | Metabolism | Microscopy | Organelles | Proteins | Signaling | Structural Biology | Systems Biology


Research Laboratories


Angiogenesis (Legend) (Add Lab) Apoptosis (Legend) (Add Lab)

Carbohydrates and Glycosylation (Legend) (Add Lab)

Cell Adhesion and Extracellular Matrix (Legend) (Add Lab)

Cell Cycle and Cytokinesis (Legend) (Add Lab)

Cell Senescence (Cell Aging) (Legend) (Add Lab)

Chemical Biology (Legend) (Add Lab)

Cytoskeleton, Cell Motility and Motors (Legend) (Add Lab) Development, Molecular and Cell Biology of (Legend) (Add Lab)

Enzymes (Legend) (Add Lab)

Genes and Gene Expression (Legend) (Add Lab)

Lipids, Membranes and Vesicle Trafficking (Legend) (Add Lab)

Metabolism, Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis (Legend) (Add Lab)

Microscopy (Legend) (Add Lab)

  • John Heuser (Washington University, St. Louis) * Di, I, MV
  • Simon Watkins (Center for Biologic Imaging, University of Pittsburgh) * MV

Organelles (Legend) (Add Lab)

Proteins: Biogenesis to Degradation (Legend) (Add Lab)

Signal Transduction (Legend) (Add Lab)

Structural Biology (Legend) (Add Lab)

Systems Biology (Legend) (Add Lab)

Other Lists of Labs in Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Related Fields


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* Site has data (figures, images or movies).
# Site has protocols or software.

Main organism or source of cells (subject to change without notice):

A = no one species in particular (esp. applicable to biophysical, chemical and structural labs)
B = bacterial sp.
C = Caenorhabditis elegans
Ch = Chick
Di = Dicytostelium discoideum
Dr = Drosophila melanogaster
H = Homo sapiens
I = intracellular pathogens, e.g. Listeria, Shigella
M = mouse
MI = misc. invertebrate sp., e.g. Aplysia, Ascaris, sea urchin
MV = misc. vertebrate sp., e.g. rat, dog, aardvark, etc.
P = plant sp.
U = unicellular eukaryotic sp., e.g. Acanthamoeba, Chlamydomonas
X = Xenopus laevis and tropicalis
Y = yeast sp.
Z = zebrafish

NB: 1) Categories include cultured cells or cell extracts of species noted. 2) The designation MV is also used for cases where cultured vertebrate cells of a number of origins are used.

(Clearly, there is overlap between the subject divisions, which are somewhat artificial. However, in the interest of saving bandwidth, labs are listed only once under the most fitting heading.)

© 1999–2023 Gabriel Fenteany    View Gabriel Fenteany's profile on LinkedIn


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Angiogenesis | Apoptosis | Carbohydrates | Cell Adhesion & ECM | Cell Cycle | Cell Senescence | Chemical Biology | Cytoskeleton | Development | Enzymes | Genes | Membranes | Microscopy | Organelles | Proteins | Signaling | Structural Biology | Systems Biology || Legend || Top || Add Lab